XA9-1500-000CN printer parts diagram.


XA9-1500-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.

Delivery Assembly
XA9-1500-000CN is represented by #7 in the diagram below.
  • 1
    • 1 RG5-5643-030CN - Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the L shaped metal support structure with three fans
    • 1 RG5-5643-060CN - Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the L shaped metal support structure with three fans
    • 1 RG5-5643-080CN - Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the 'L' shaped metal support structure with three fans
  • 2
    • 2 RB2-6042-000CN - Torsion spring - Provides tension for bin full flag
  • 3
    • 3 RB2-6036-000CN - Sensor flag - Short rod with two flat flags and a curved end flag
  • 6
    • 6 RH7-5296-000CN - Tubeaxial fan (fan# 4 and 3) - Mounts on the upper left crossmember on the delivery assembly
  • 7
    • 7 XA9-1276-000CN - Wafer head machine screw, clear zinc, 3M X 8mm - Secures plastic to metal
    • 7 XA9-1500-000CN - M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
  • 8
    • 8 XA9-1189-000CN - Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
    • 8 XA9-1469-000CN - Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
    • 8 XB4-5401-009CN - Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
  • 9
    • 9 RB2-6035-000CN - Sensor flag - Long rod with forked flag toward one end and curved flag at the other
  • 12
    • 12 RG5-5645-000CN - Delivery cross member assembly - Includes the L shaped support bracket with the rear delivery fan (Fan 3), front delivery fan (Fan 4), and face down tray fan (Fan 6)
    • 12 RG5-5645-020CN - Delivery cross member assembly - Includes the 'L' shaped support bracket with the rear delivery fan (fan 3), front delivery fan (fan 4), and face down tray fan (fan 6)
  • 13
    • 13 XB6-7303-005CN - Machine screw - M3, 30mm long with self-tapping threads - Typically used to hold metal to plastic
  • 13
    • 13 XB6-7303-005CN - Machine screw - M3, 30mm long with self-tapping threads - Typically used to hold metal to plastic
    • 13 XB6-7303-005CN - Machine screw - M3, 30mm long with self-tapping threads - Typically used to hold metal to plastic
RG5-5643-030CN Delivery Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the L shaped metal support structure with three fans
RG5-5643-060CN Delivery Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the L shaped metal support structure with three fans
RG5-5643-080CN Delivery Delivery assembly - Includes the curved plastic structure, various rollers and gears, and the 'L' shaped metal support structure with three fans
RB2-6042-000CN Spring Torsion spring - Provides tension for bin full flag
RB2-6036-000CN Flag Sensor flag - Short rod with two flat flags and a curved end flag
RH7-1659-000CN Fan Tubeaxial fan for HP LaserJet 9000 Series
RH7-5297-000CN Fan Tubeaxial fan for HP LaserJet 9000 Series
RH7-1659-000CN Fan Tubeaxial fan for HP LaserJet 9000 Series
RH7-5297-000CN Fan Tubeaxial fan for HP LaserJet 9000 Series
RH7-5296-000CN Fan Tubeaxial fan (fan# 4 and 3) - Mounts on the upper left crossmember on the delivery assembly
XA9-1276-000CN Screw Wafer head machine screw, clear zinc, 3M X 8mm - Secures plastic to metal
XA9-1500-000CN Screw M3 pan-head Phillips screw with flat washer - 8mm long
XA9-1189-000CN Screw Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
XA9-1469-000CN Screw Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
XB4-5401-009CN Screw Machine screw with attached washer - M3, 10mm - Used to hold plastic to metal
RB2-6035-000CN Flag Sensor flag - Long rod with forked flag toward one end and curved flag at the other
RB2-6037-000CN Flag Sensor flag - Short rod with two flags on it
RG5-5649-000CN PC Board Delivery assembly PC board
RG5-8013-000CN PC Board Delivery Printed Circuit Board
RG5-5645-000CN Delivery Delivery cross member assembly - Includes the L shaped support bracket with the rear delivery fan (Fan 3), front delivery fan (Fan 4), and face down tray fan (Fan 6)
RG5-5645-020CN Delivery Delivery cross member assembly - Includes the 'L' shaped support bracket with the rear delivery fan (fan 3), front delivery fan (fan 4), and face down tray fan (fan 6)
XB6-7303-005CN Screw Machine screw - M3, 30mm long with self-tapping threads - Typically used to hold metal to plastic
XB6-7303-005CN Screw Machine screw - M3, 30mm long with self-tapping threads - Typically used to hold metal to plastic
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